Monday, November 22, 2010

I Usually Leave This Bag In The Car

Sharen Heath from I Love Langley

Facebook friend posted this picture.   I have to say, I am in such a complete fog half the time, I have to go back to the car to get the canvas bags I have made for myself.  The serious side to this is that there has been some buzz about the safety of some reusable grocery bags due to some imports having a high level of lead. Please do not go back to single use plastic grocery bags. If you are not sure about the ones you already own contact the company. If you are still  not confident about using the reusable bags that stores sell, buy cotton canvas types.

This Turtle Thanks Courtesy EcoKaren

1 comment:

  1. That bag is great! I have about a dozen of them that end up in my car or at home (so I keep buying more).

    I hope you join our OM meetup! I look forward to it every week!


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